Fulgoraria smithi (Sowerby, 1901)
Body whorl near aperture of a fresh shell purplish brown. The purple
fades several days later.
Very thin and fragile. Outer lip of a young shell looks like a razor.
Japan: Off Chosi in 600m, Mouth of Tokyo Bay in 550m-600m, Sagami Bay
in 600m, Enshunada, Off Kii Peninsula.
Original articles of scientific name
1901 Voluta smithi Sowerby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7)8, p. 161
Original of Japanese name
1915 Yoichiro Hirase 'Kaichigusa vol.3, pl.54, 269.' Unsoudo, Kyoto.
Soft part is larger than the shell. Therefore, when the soft part is
hid in the shell, the aperture is destroyed for himself.
Soft part is unsuitable to for food, because it is stinky.