Buccinum sagamianum Okutani, 1977
White, pale purple, ornamented with pale brown periostracum. Outer lip
while, sometimes colored with pale yellow.
Japan: Mouth of Tokyo Bay in 250m-300m, Sagami Bay in 250m-700m,
Suruga Bay Shizuoka in 400m-700m.
Original articles of scientific name
1977 Buccinum sagamianum Okutani, Jap. Jour. Malac.(VENUS) Vol.36, No.2
p.73-80 Text-figs. 1-3 & 9
Original of Japanese name
There are a lot of delicious shells in Buccinidae. However,
B. sagamianum is not used for food. The reason might be that
there is a lot of mucuss in the body of the shell.
I think that this shell lives in bottom of the sea comparatively a lot.