Trigonostoma obliquata (Lamarck, 1822)
Pale brown with brown dots on the axial ribs. Spire low,
body whorl inflated, and suture channeled. Axial ribs edged and
sculptured by white spiral furrows. Umbilicus open.
Japan: Mouth of Toky Bay, Enshunada, Off Kii Peninsula, Okinawa.
Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean.
Original articles of scientific name
1822 Cancellaria obliquata Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des
Animaux sans Vertebres.
Original of Japanese name
1965 Tadashige Habe.
Trigonostoma obliquata had been caught from Wakayama and southward to
tropical Ocean. However, this shell was found also in Mouth of Tokyo Bay
recently. Cancellariidae live in tropical waters in the world, and this
family contains a lot of interesting shape shells .
Trigonostoma pellucida of the Philippines and Trigonostoma milleri
of Galapagos have especially strange shape.